Monday, November 03, 2008

Lessons from the back of a trotro...

I have lost count of the amount of times I have opened this page to create a new post, fingers poised over the keyboard. Nothing. No wit, no whizz, no bang, no words. A constipation of words? Strange. It does not correlate with the million and one ideas that are swimming around in my head.

Driving to work this morning I saw a trotro in the next lane beside me that said ' we are moving foreword'. Spelling error or not, I think that was definitely a visual reminder - Ghanaian style - of me not having updated my blog in the longest time.

This is really the first time that I have been confronted with 'writers block. Hmm, the literature around the topic seems quite interesting with examples of writers block lasting for over 60 years to much shorter periods of time. Women also seem to suffer from the phenomenon more. I wonder why.

So some suggestions on how to break it which I am going to try :
  • Scheduling time to write and work, regardless of the quality of the output. Sometimes I think I think too much.
  • Engaging in brief periods of "mindwriting," in which one impulsively write whatever comes to mind.
  • Taking a break, meditating, or doing relaxation exercises to relieve any pressure on oneself and on the writing.
  • Doing something out of the ordinary.
  • Returning to the writing after a lapse of a day or two.
  • Set your writing down, go out and do something (something that will keep you busy) and then come back in a few hours with a fresh mind.
  • Joining a writing group - help Ghana Bloggers!
So will definitely put a piece together this week. Will move foreword indeed.


The Author said...

And, there, Denise, you wrote a very readable piece. I doubt women have more instances of writer's block than men. We can have a writers group, I think...

Anonymous said...

Hi Denise, I liked this piece. I think Tro tro messages are a direct link to the divine. I often found the answer to my questions would flash by me as I stood on roadside. One of my favorite is "still enemies are not god".
Cheers Tessa

Denise said...

Hi Nana, I think we have the beginnings of a writers group in the Ghana Bloggers don't we? You regular writers will definitely have to give me some tips.

Denise said...

Hi Tessa, it's funny how despite how irritating their drivers are the messages are bound to make you smile, or just provide you with a prod. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

posekyere said...

Akwaaba to your blog, Denise!

There has never been one update of yours that has not been enjoyed by me.
I guess you may be battling episodes of information overload.
I particularly enjoy your discourses on the banalities of life.

Denise said...

Hi Posekyere - thanks for your akwaaba :-) It does get a little banal sometimes doesn't it?