I actually didn't start the day planning to go grave-hunting. On the contrary, it started ordinarily enough. Was working outside of Accra and visiting some schools in the Eastern Region and ended up at the Akropong Presbyterian Teacher Training College. On reaching the cooler climes of Aburi, already one could see the influence of the Presbyterian Church by way of the names of the schools - Presbyterian Senior High School, Ebeneezer Presbyterian, Presbyterian Teacher Training College - by way of some examples. All along the ridge there are beautiful old churches that seem to be guardians and sentinels of that time past.
After finishing the work I had set out to do at the Presbyterian Training College in Akropong, I started chatting with some of the teachers about the Jamaica-Ghana link and then so any things began to make a connection. They took me to an old cemetery on the grounds of the College, tucked away beside a beautiful old Church. They explained that many of the Missionaries that had started the Church and the Teacher Training College - including some descendants of the Jamaican families - had built the church and were in fact buried here.
I took some time out to wander among the graves, hoping to see and make some connection to my own family names, but alas, alas, time had eroded the grave stones, save one. Am sure with a bit more research and a bit more digging - for information, not literally! - I could find out if any of these were in fact descendants of those families that had returned to the then Gold Coast.
An aside: so the woes and wows (no didn't make that up, rather fell in love with it and borrowed the phrase from a book I am now reading, Wizard of the Crow by Ngugi wa Thiong'o) of 2008 are over. I find a new year a bit like opening a new book. There is the promise of a plot - hopefully not too dramatic, new characters to discover, or ifs a sequel old ones to be reacquainted with. One of course is never quite sure where the twists and turns will lead to, but at the end of it all, one hopes that it would have been satisfying. 2008 has been a good year - few regrets, some disappointments, but yes overall satisfactory. Here's to a New Year - all the best it has to offer to you and yours!
The writer in you is wide awake in 2009.
This is the time to put fingers to keyboard and begin all the litrary adventures and writings you have wanted to do over the years. This is your season to write.
I hope you will let yourself loose from every inhibition and open the floodgates of your litrary prowess.
Just say: I concur.
Go girl!!!
I agree with Posekyere that you've hit the literary ground running in 09. Keep it up - we love your words.
I am waiting eagerly for that Jamaica-related post.
Can always count on your two to give me feedback and encouragement on my posts.
Will try my best.
Posekyere, hope you will manage to join us for a bloggers meeting here in Ghana this year - would be good to see you!
Nana Yaw - I hope all is well, you have been a bit too silent.
Fascinating information. I'm so excited. There is so much out there that we have yet to (re)discover.
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